Social Media Series
Our Social Media Series Initiatives are intended to explore thought-provoking content that sparks conversations or new thinking.
Check Them Out Below!
Thought Provocateur
The inspiration for the Thought Provocateur Social Media Series is that I love it when I encounter questions or bits of wisdom that stop me in my tracks. These insights stay in your head for more than five minutes and may come back later to revisit you. It’s when the signal outweighs the noise. You tend to remember them because they touch something deep inside of us.
Back 2 Basics
Whether you are a seasoned professional or an employee just out of college, it never hurts to return to the basics. A good way to harvest new insights is to maintain a beginner’s mindset. This is the sentiment behind my “Back 2 Basics” Social Media Series. We go back to the basics to refresh and perhaps find new insights.
Tech Stack
The inspiration for the Tech Stack Social Media Series is that I love technology. It’s core to who I am. I aim to share technologies or services I encounter that others may find helpful. Feel free to share in return as well. With the advent of AI, technological change is accelerating. If you don’t stay abreast of it, you will fall behind. It is essential to stay “current" on technology matters.
Hourglass is a weekly social media series from The Nexus Initiative. Its purpose is to provide more clarity about time. It's important to stay aware of it if you want to accomplish your goals.